120 Ridge View Drive
Dunmore, PA 18512
Discipline Focus: Software engineering, distributed systems, music and technology, and team-based learning. Professional software engineering experience.
Speakers' Bureau Topics: Engaging students with music and technology; team-based software development (team building, software process, and peer evaluation)
Licensures and Certifications
- Annual Compliance Training, Penn State University, International. (February 1, 2021)
- Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse, Penn State University, International. (May 19, 2020)
- Annual Compliance Training, Penn State University, International. (December 19, 2019)
- Annual Compliance Training, Penn State University, International. (December 16, 2018)
- Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse, Penn State University, International. (April 10, 2018)
- Annual Compliance Training, Penn State University, International. (December 13, 2017)
- Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse, Penn State University, International. (April 2, 2017)
- Understanding Title IX at Penn State, Penn State University - Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response. (March 9, 2017)
- Annual Compliance Training, Penn State University, International. (December 12, 2016)
- OL4000: Online Course Design (Certificate), World Campus Faculty Development, International. (February 28, 2015)
- Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse, Penn State University, International. (February 9, 2015)
- Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse, Penn State University, International. (July 6, 2014)
- Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse, Penn State University, International. (July 22, 2013)
- OL 1000: Overview of Teaching and Learning Online (Certificate), World Campus Faculty Development, International. (July 20, 2013)
- OL 1800: Accessibility Faculty Development Module (Certificate), World Campus Faculty Development, International. (July 20, 2013)
- OL 1900: Prove it! (Certificate), World Campus Faculty Development, International. (July 20, 2013)
- Penn State’s World Campus Certificate for Online Teaching, World Campus Faculty Development, International. (July 20, 2013)
- OL 2700: Online Presence (Certificate), World Campus Faculty Development, International. (December 14, 2012)
- OL 2000: Effective Teaching Online (Certificate), World Campus Faculty Development, International. (April 15, 2011)
Professional Memberships
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon National Honor Society. (May 1, 2015 - Present).
- Association for Technology in Music Instruction. (January 1, 2005 - Present).
- Association of Information Technology Professionals. (January 1, 2000 - Present).
- ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education. (January 1, 1999 - Present).
- ACM Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education. (January 1, 1999 - Present).
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (January 1, 1999 - Present).
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society. (January 1, 1999 - Present).
- Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. (January 1, 1990 - Present).
- International Society of Computers and their Applications. (January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2012).
Awards and Honors
- 2020-2021 IST Statewide Faculty Member of the Year Award. (November 9, 2020).
- Runner up for Best-in-Strand Award in Tools and Technologies, OLC Accelerate 2016. (November 16, 2016).
- 2012 Advisory Board Teaching Award, Penn State Worthington Scranton. (April 29, 2012).
- 2010 Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Service Award, Penn State Worthington Scranton. (May 13, 2010).
- First Place Faculty Advisor Award, Great Valley Technology Alliance, 6th Annual Business Plan Competition. (May 1, 2008).
Research Interests
Music and Technology
Team-Based Software Development
Articles Published in Refereed Journals
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 60%), & Toman, S. A. (2016). Themed Learning with Music and Technology. Information Systems Education Journal, 4(11), 10. ISBN/ISSN: 1545-679X
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 60%), & Toman, S. A. (2014). Interdisciplinary Project Experiences: Collaboration between Majors and Non-Majors. Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ), 12(3), 67-75. ISBN/ISSN: 1545-679X
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 60%), & Toman, S. A. (2013). An Interdisciplinary Learning Experience: The Creation of a Robot Dance. Information Systems Education Journal, 11(1), 8. ISBN/ISSN: 1545-679X
- Smith, H. H., Smarkusky, D. L., & Corrigall, E. A. (2008). Defining Projects to Integrate Evolving Team Fundamentals and Project Managements Skills. Journal of Information Systems Education, 19(1), 99-110.
- Smarkusky, D. L., Smith, H. H., & Ammar, R. A. (2006). Healthcare Management System: An Application of Component-Based Software Architectures with Performance. International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 13(4), 1-29.
- Smarkusky, D. L., Smith, H. H., & Vandivort, A. M. (2005). A Performance Framework for Component-Based Software Architectures. International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 12(4), 217-227.
- Smith, H. H., Vandivort, A. M., & Smarkusky, D. L. (2005). A Texture-Centric Meta-Model for Component-Based Software Architecture. International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 12(3), 181-193.
- Smarkusky, D. L., & Ammar, R. A. (2004). A Methodology for Design-Level Performance Modeling. International Journal of Computers and their Applications, 11(4), 246-261.
- Smarkusky, D. L., & Smith, H. H. (2004). Team Projects Throughout the Curriculum: Course Management, Teaching Initiatives and Outreach. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 19(5), 119-129. ISBN/ISSN: 1937-4771
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Author, 50%), & Toman, S. A. (2012). Engaging Students with Music and Animation: Undergraduate Research and Interdisciplinary Projects. Penn State Worthington Scranton.
Conference Proceeding
- Toman, S. A., & Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Author, 50%) (2019). Using Robots to Integrate Music and the Arts. 2019 Proceedings of Association for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI).
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Author), & Toman, S. A. (2018). Collaborative Learning using Music and Technology. Proceedings of OLC Accelerate Conference 2018.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Author), & Toman, S. A. (2017). Musical Animations: A Creative Approach to Learning. 2017 Proceedings of Association for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI).
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Author), & Toman, S. A. (2016). Dancing Robots: An Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Experience. Proceedings of OLC Accelerate Conference 2016.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 60%), & Toman, S. A. (2015). Themed Learning with Music and Technology. Proceedings of the 2015 EDSIG Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education. (pp. 11). ISCAP (Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals)., ISBN/ISSN: 3442
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 60%), & Toman, S. A. (2013). Interdisciplinary Project Experiences: Collaboration between Majors and Non-Majors. Proceedings of the 2013 Information Systems Educators Conference (ISECON). (302540th), (pp. 9). Information Systems Educators Conference (ISECON)., ISBN/ISSN: 2167-1435
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 60%), & Toman, S. A., et al. (2013). Performing Robots: Innovative Interdisciplinary Projects. Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE). (pp. 6). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)., ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4503-2239-3
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 60%), & Toman, S. A. (2012). An Interdisciplinary Learning Experience: The Creation of a Robot Dance. Proceedings of the 2012 Information Systems Educators Conference (ISECON). (291919th), (pp. 8). Information Systems Educators Conference (ISECON)., ISBN/ISSN: 2167-1435
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 50%), Stancavage, S. J., Eagan, R. E., Propert, P. E., Plociniak, R. F., & Nichols, A. M. (2011). Physics in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Project. Proceedings of 2011 ACM Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE). (pp. 33-38). ACM., ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4503-1017-8
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 50%), & Toman, S. A. (2011). An Integrative Arts Approach to Creating Musical Animations. Proceedings of 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. (pp. 12). Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities., ISBN/ISSN: 1541-5899
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 50%), & Toman, S. A. (2009). An Interdisciplinary Approach in Applying Fundamental Concepts. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE). (pp. 5). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)., ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-60558-765-3
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author, 50%), & Toman, S. A. (2009). The Art of Alice: Adding a Musical Component. Proceedings of 2009 Alice Symposium, supported by ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). (pp. 5). Association for Computing Machinery., ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-60558-855-1
- Smith, H. H., & Smarkusky, D. L. (2005). Competency Matrices for Peer Assessment of Individuals in Team Projects. Proceedings of ACM's Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education (SIGITE) 2005 Conference. (pp. 155-162). ACM., ISBN/ISSN: 1-59593-252-6
- Smarkusky, D. L., Dempsey, R. F., Ludka, J. J., & de Quillettes, F. (2005). Enhancing Team Knowledge: Instruction vs. Experience. Proceedings of the ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) 2005. (371st), (pp. 460-464). ACM., ISBN/ISSN: 1-58113-997-7
- Smarkusky, D. L. (2003). A Performance Assessment Model for Distributed Software Systems. Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'03). (1), (pp. 81-87).
- Smarkusky, D. L., Ammar, R. A., & Sholl, H. (2001). A Framework for Designing Performance-Oriented Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. (pp. 92-98).
- Smarkusky, D. L., Ammar, R. A., & Sholl, H. (2000). A Methodology for Performance Modeling of Object-Oriented Systems. Proceedings of the 13th ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems. (pp. 1-6).
- Ammar, R. A., Hefeeda, M., Sholl, H., Smarkusky, D. L., & MacKay, B. (2000). Two-Moment Analysis of Computation’s Performance. Proceedings of the 13th ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems. (pp. 367-373).
- Smarkusky, D. L., Ammar, R. A., Antonios, I., & Sholl, H. (2000). Hierarchical Performance Modeling for Distributed System Architectures. Proceedings of 5th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. (pp. 659-664).
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Author) (1999). An International Common Project Model. Proceedings of 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. (pp. 14-17).
Encyclopedia Entry
Smarkusky, D. L. (Primary Author) (1998). Security Capabilities and Potentials of Java. In Proc. Of Twelfth IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Database Security.
Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Author, 50%), & Toman, S. A. (2012). Engaging Students with Music and Animation: Undergraduate Research and Interdisciplinary Projects. Penn State Worthington Scranton.
Refereed Panel Presentation
Smarkusky, D. L., Anewalt, K., Beidler, J., & Polack-Wahl, J. A. (2003). "Group Projects Across the Curriculum." Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges., 19(2), (pp. 232-237).
Ph D, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2000.
- Major: Computer Science and Engineering
- Dissertation Title: A Performance-Engineered Object-Oriented Design Framework
MS, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, 1996.
- Major: Software Engineering
- Dissertation Title: Defining a Software Development Process for Undergraduates
BS, Cum laude, The Pennsylvania State University, Eberly College of Science, University Park, PA, 1990.
- Major: Computer Science
BS, Cum laude, The Pennsylvania State University, Eberly College of Science, University Park, PA, 1990.
- Major: Mathematics
Papers and Presentations
- Toman, S. A., & Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter). (October 25, 2019). "Using Robots to Integrate Music and the Arts," Association for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI), Louisville, KY, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (March 24, 2019). "IST Program, Majors, Minors and Curriculum, Undergraduate Research, Interdisciplinary Projects and IST Suite," IST Showcase, Penn State Scranton, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (November 14, 2018). "Collaborative Learning using Music and Technology," OLC Accelerate 2018, Orlando, FL, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (October 14, 2018). "IST Program, Majors, Minors and Curriculum, Undergraduate Research, Interdisciplinary Projects and IST Suite," IST Showcase, Penn State Scranton, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (October 10, 2018). "IST Program, Majors, Minors and Curriculum, Undergraduate Research, Interdisciplinary Projects and IST Suite," Penn State Scranton Advisory Board Meeting, Penn State Scranton, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (June 8, 2018). "IST Program, Majors, Minors and Curriculum," Penn State Scranton IST Advisory Council Meeting, Met Life, Invited. Local.
- Toman, S. A., & Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter). (October 26, 2017). "Musical Animations: A Creative Approach to Learning," Association for Technology in Music Instruction (ATMI), San Antonio, TX, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L., & Melnick, J. A. (February 20, 2017 - February 21, 2017). "Course Substitution Request System (CSRS)," Faculty Advising Development Series (FADS) Session, Penn State Worthington Scranton, Invited. State.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (November 16, 2016). "Dancing Robots: An Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Experience," OLC Accelerate 2016, Orlando, FL, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (November 16, 2016). "Dancing Robots: An Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Experience," OLC Accelerate 2016, Orlando, FL, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (November 2, 2015). "Themed Learning with Music and Technology," 2015 Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education (EDSIG), Wilmington, NC, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Presenter). (May 1, 2015). "Build Your Foundation, Remember The Past, and Share Your Knowledge," Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society Dinner, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, University of Scranton, Invited. Regional.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (November 7, 2013). "Interdisciplinary Project Experiences: Collaboration between Majors and Non-Majors," Information Systems Educators Conference (ISECON), San Antonio, TX, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (October 11, 2013). "Performing Robots: Innovative Interdisciplinary Projects," Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Orlando, FL, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Presenter). (May 10, 2013). "Curriculum Resources and Assessment: Prior Learning Assessment Update," IST All Campus Meeting, Penn State’s College of Information Sciences and Technology, Atherton Hotel, State College, PA, Invited. State.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Presenter). (May 6, 2013). "Conducting the Consultation: Advising Form, Contact Card and Resource Card," New Student Orientation (NSO) Faculty Adviser Training, Penn State Worthington Scranton, Invited. State.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (November 1, 2012). "An Interdisciplinary Learning Experience: The Creation of a Robot Dance," Information Systems Educators Conference (ISECON), New Orleans, LA, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (August 24, 2012). "Passion, Expectations, Academic/Co-Curricular Transcripts, and Success," Penn State Worthington Scranton Fall 2012 Convocation, Dunmore, PA, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Presenter), Toman, S. A., Hunt, C., Sutor, P., & Klecha, E. (July 13, 2012). "Engaging Students with Music and Animation: Undergraduate Research and Interdisciplinary Projects," Pennsylvania State University Board of Trustees, Penn State Worthington Scranton, Dunmore, PA, Invited. State.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (March 30, 2012). "Music and Animation," University College, Arts and Humanities Division, Annual Meeting, Arts and Humanities, Nittany Lion Inn, University Park, PA, Invited. State.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Co-Presenter), Toman, S. A., & Hunt, C. (March 21, 2012). "Engaging Students with Music and Animation," Penn State Worthington Scranton Advisory Board Meeting, Penn State Worthington Scranton, Dunmore, PA, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Stancavage, S. J. (October 20, 2011). "Physics in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Project," Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), West Point, NY, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Presenter). (April 18, 2011). "Insights, Lessons Learned and Expectations," Promotion and Tenure Workshop, Penn State Worthington, Penn State Worthington, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (January 9, 2011). "An Integrative Arts Approach for Creating Musical Animations," 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (December 15, 2010). "Faculty Activity Report (FAR) Workshop," Penn State Worthington Scranton, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Presenter). (April 21, 2010). "Insights, Lessons Learned and Expectations," Promotion and Tenure Workshop, Penn State Worthington, Penn State Worthington, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (October 25, 2009). "An Interdisciplinary Approach in Applying Fundamental Concepts," Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Toman, S. A. (June 17, 2009). "The Art of Alice: Adding a Musical Component," 2009 Alice Symposium, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Duke University, Durham, NC, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smith, H. H., & Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter). (October 21, 2005). "Competency Matrices for Peer Assessment of Individuals in Team Projects," Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Newark, NJ, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & de Quillettes, F. (February 26, 2005). "Enhancing Team Knowledge: Instruction vs. Experience," ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) 2005, St. Louis, MO, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Panel Member). (September 17, 2004). "Personal Experiences," Commonwealth College Peer Review Workshop via PICTEL, Commonwealth College, Penn State Worthington, Invited. State.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter), & Smith, H. H. (April 24, 2004). "Team Projects Throughout the Curriculum," Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Union College in Schenectady, NY, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (December 5, 2003). "Software Performance Engineering," Western Campus Seminar Series, Penn State New Kensington, Invited. Local.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (October 17, 2003). "Group Projects and Information Technology," Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
- Smarkusky, D. L. (Author and Presenter). (June 23, 2003). "A Performance Assessment Model for Distributed Software Systems Software," 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'03) – Software Performance Engineering Session, Las Vegas, NV, peer-reviewed/refereed, published in proceedings, Accepted. International.
Performances and Exhibits
Creative Accomplishments
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA. (January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021).
Annual Campus Holiday Concert, The Peoples Security Theater, Lackawanna College, December 5, 2021
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Scranton Jazz Band, Dunmore, PA, by Invitation. (January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021).
Auxiliary Percussion: Annual Campus Holiday Concert, The Peoples Security Theater, Lackawanna College, December 5, 2021
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA. (January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020).
Annual Campus Holiday Concert Recording (November 3, 2020)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Scranton Jazz Band, Dunmore, PA, by Invitation. (January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020).
Auxiliary Percussion: Annual Campus Holiday Concert Recording (November 4, 2020)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA. (January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019).
- “Annual Spring Concert”, The Theater at North (April 27, 2019)
- Holiday Concert, Grace Bible Church (December 8, 2019)
- Annual Campus Holiday Concert (December 11, 2019)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Scranton Jazz Band, Dunmore, PA, by Invitation. (January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019).
Auxiliary Percussion:
- “Annual Spring Concert”, The Theater at North (April 27, 2019)
- Holiday Concert, Grace Bible Church (December 8, 2019)
- Annual Campus Holiday Concert (December 11, 2019)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA. (January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018).
- “Annual Spring Concert”, The Theater at North (April 21, 2018)
- Annual Campus Holiday Concert (December 5, 2018)
- Holiday Concert, Grace Bible Church (December 9, 2018)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Worthington Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA. (January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017).
- “Annual Spring Concert”, The Theater at North (April 22, 2017)
- Worthington Scranton Concert for Living Christmas Village, Grace Bible Church (December 3, 2017)
- Worthington Scranton Christmas Concert (December 6, 2017)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Worthington Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA. (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016).
- “Annual Spring Concert”, Worthington Scranton Campus (April 24, 2016)
- Worthington Scranton Awards Dinner (May 1, 2016)
- Worthington Scranton Concert for Living Christmas Village, Grace Bible Church (December 4, 2016)
- Worthington Scranton Christmas Concert (December 7, 2016)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Worthington Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA. (January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015).
- “Annual Spring Concert”, Worthington Scranton Campus (April 26, 2015)
- Worthington Scranton Awards Dinner (May 3, 2015)
- Worthington Scranton Commencement (May 8, 2015)
- Worthington Scranton Concert at Grace Bible Church (December 6, 2015)
- Worthington Scranton Christmas Concert (December 9, 2015)
Music Performance - Participation, Penn State Worthington Scranton Chorale, Dunmore, PA, by Invitation. (January 2004 - December 2014).
Annual performances include
- Spring Concert (April),
- Awards Dinner, Commencement (May),
- Fall Convocation (August),
- Chancellor Holiday Party,
- Campus Christmas Concert (December).