DUNMORE, Pa. – Penn State Scranton is shining a spotlight on the campus’ student marshals who will be leading their fellow graduates during the campus’ 56th commencement ceremony procession on May 4 at The Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple. In this series, we’ll feature students who have been selected as student marshals for their respective academic programs. Join us as we delve into their academic journeys, insights, and advice for future students.
Student Marshal: Gretchen Gilia
Major: Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS), B.S.
Scranton: What are your post-grad plans?
Gilia: I am currently a Human Resource Assistant at The Honesdale National Bank (graduated in December 2023.)
Scranton: What was your favorite memory at Penn State Scranton?
Gilia: My favorite memory at Penn State Scranton was making friends that supported me throughout my college career!
Scranton: What was your favorite learning experience?
Gilia: My favorite learning experience at Penn State Scranton was when HDFS Program Coordinator Janet Melnick assigned a long research paper that encompassed all that I have learned throughout my four years here. It really put together everything I had learned.
Scranton: What experience prepared you the most for what is next?
Gilia: The experience that prepared me most for what was next to come was the internship that I completed during my final semester. It really prepared me for what the working world was like and helped me transition from full-time college student to full-time professional worker.
Scranton: Who at Penn State Scranton has supported you and how?
Gilia: The HDFS faculty and the five girls who were in HDFS 495C (the internship class) supported me. The HDFS faculty were always there to answer any questions I had, help guide me in the right direction, and give good advice when I needed it. The five girls in HDFS 495C really supported me. We were all going through this new, different, and challenging experience together for the first time. Whenever I needed help or someone to talk to about this experience they were always there to listen and help!
Scranton: Do you have any advice for incoming students beginning their Penn State journey?
Gilia: My advice to incoming students is to not be afraid to ask questions and meet with your professors. If you have a question about something, there is probably another student that has the same question. Meeting with your professors only benefits you in the long run. They are there to support and help you along the way, so don’t be afraid to meet with them to address your questions, concerns, or comments.
Meet the Marshal series
Stay tuned as we continue to highlight our student marshals for their outstanding accomplishments. Each individual represents the dedication, talent and spirit of excellence that define the Penn State Scranton community.