DUNMORE, Pa. — Penn State Scranton is shining a spotlight on the campus’ student marshals who will be leading their fellow graduates during the campus’ 56th commencement ceremony procession on May 4 at The Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple. In this series, we’ll feature students who have been selected as student marshals for their respective academic programs. Join us as we delve into their academic journeys, insights, and advice for future students.
Student Marshal: Grace Ursich
Major: Nursing, B.S.N.
Scranton: What are your post-grad plans?
Ursich: To become a Labor and Delivery Nurse at Geisinger Wyoming Valley.
Scranton: What was your favorite memory at Penn State Scranton?
Ursich: My favorite memories at Penn State Scranton were the moments that I got to spend with my friends during clinical and SNA events.
Scranton: What was your favorite learning experience?
Ursich: My favorite learning experiences were my pediatric and OB clinical rotations and lab simulations.
Scranton: What experience prepared you the most for what is next?
Ursich: The experiences that best prepared me were my clinical rotations. I had my rotations at so many different sites such as GCMC, GWV, and Regional Hospital. I was exposed to so many complex patient situations and this allowed me to develop the necessary critical thinking and clinical skills.
Scranton: Who at Penn State Scranton has supported you and how?
Ursich: Every single one of my nursing professors has supported me the past few years and has helped me develop the skills I need to practice as a nurse. Specifically, Dr. Annette Blasi-Strubeck has helped me to develop empathy for my patients and has encouraged me over the past few years. Additionally, Dr. Theresa Baker and Dr. Allison Tomczyk have given me helpful advice and assisted me to gain skills I will need to work in a specialty area like Labor and Delivery.
Scranton: Do you have any advice for incoming students beginning their Penn State journey?
Ursich: My advice to upcoming college students beginning at Penn State is to prioritize tasks to effectively manage time. It is very important to stay on top of assignments and not to procrastinate. If you set good habits in the beginning of your college career they will persist to the end of your college experience.
Meet the Marshal series
Stay tuned as we continue to highlight our student marshals for their outstanding accomplishments. Each individual represents the dedication, talent and spirit of excellence that define the Penn State Scranton community.