Getting involved with student government is a great way to gain leadership skills and take an active role in improving the student life experience at Penn State Scranton.
The Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA), composed of elected officers, members, and representatives from the various student clubs, gives a voice to the overall student body.
- Assist campus student organizations
- Work with Student Senate to hear the students' voice
- Promote student welfare
- Assist other campus student organizations
- Sponsor events and programs for the Penn State Scranton student body
- Representative voice of the Penn State Scranton student body
SGA Executive Board: | Email: |
President: Gavan Quimby | [email protected] |
Vice President: Conner Sheruda | [email protected] |
Chief Justice: Brett Gulbin | [email protected] |
Treasurer: Olivia Lorenzetti | [email protected] |
Public Relations Director: Paul Krzan | [email protected] |
Chief of Staff: Aidan Clarke | [email protected] |
THON Executive Board: | Email: |
Chair: Matthew Reyes | mqr5946@psu |
Co-Chair: Olivia Maikranz | [email protected] |
The Student Senate
Student Senate is also a great way to get involved, make new friends and gain leadership qualities.
The Student Senate of Penn State Scranton is comprised of one or two students from each major and represents the student body on the Scranton campus. Weekly Student Senate meetings are open to all students at Penn State Scranton. We invite you to join us!
As a member of the Student Senate, you will serve on various committees, get involved with student government activities and meetings, propose and pass legislation and much more.
If you are interested in joining the Student Senate please contact Student Services and Engagement at 570-963-2690.