Find a healthy balance in your life.
We take health and wellness seriously because we know you need to feel your best so you can do your best.
WellTrack Boost
WellTrack Boost features a wellness assessment that students can take one time, or on an as-needed basis, to help them identify the patterns in their daily activities and how they are associated with the way they are feeling. WellTrack Boost app and website is available to students at any time of day, from any location. Students can download the companion WellTrack Boost app for iOS and Android.
WellTrack Boost also includes programs that can be completed at a student's own pace with content focused on Resilience, Anxiety and Stress, Depression, and Public Speaking. The Public Speaking program also includes a virtual reality component to simulate public speaking in a large classroom setting.
Coping tools on the site can be used to help students cope with distress.
Online Mental Health Screenings
General Online Mental Health Screenings are anonymous screenings on several areas of mental health, including depression, anxiety, academic distress, eating concerns, frustration level, family stress, and alcohol use.
Virtual Library
The CAPS Virtual Library includes informative videos about various mental health topics. Created for Penn State students by Penn State CAPS clinicians.
Life Hack Kits
Life Hack Kits are step-by-step wellness packages designed to help you navigate and demystify some of the more perplexing parts of being human. Instructors and student organization leaders are encouraged to use these for extra credit/points.